To make informed decisions, Airport Management needs to know who is doing what and when on their Airport. Aimm provides the information needed for:
From the smallest recreational Airfield to
the largest international Airport, airports generate a significant part of their
income from collecting Landing Fees in one form or another.
There can be
a fee for each landing, or a Yearly Bulk Fee / Subscription arrangement for unlimited landings
for particular aircraft, or some combination... but one way or another
when an aircraft touches down then the aircraft needs to pay a share of
the costs of maintaining the facilities.
Aimm automatically detects the movements at an airport using ADSB for most aircraft, and Pilot Voice calls only need transcribing for the remainder. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' landing fee rate, its up to each Airport to set its own fees after considering its facilities, the costs of providing these, and what it wants to achieve.
Aimm sees statistics from a large number of Airports, and some general observations have emerged:
Whether the Airport is generating its own income, or running a
deficit supported by a Council, it needs hard facts and
figures on its changing levels of usage... which parts of the
operation are
expanding? Which contracting? Which types of activity are
running a surplus? Cost neutral? A Deficit?
For an Airport the aircraft movement numbers are the key 'facts and figures' that show what is
happening, so that informed decisions can be made by the Management and
Board / Supervisor. Aimm provides this
information, collated and
summarised where helpful and presented in fine detail where that is useful.
From this information, the manager can see what needs to be done to
service changing levels of demand, and the Board / Supervisor can consider the
long term funding needs, and how those are to be met.
INVESTORS: Those Airports that have (or want) private investment need to show that
they are competent managers with good systems in place to know who is doing that,
when and why. Aimm's monthly reports provide this.
Airports are an essential long term amenity for a district, and many levels of Government (from Local
Councils on up), have funding for development of infrastructure. For smaller recreational airfields, sponsorship
is often available from local businesses and lottery commissions etc for sporting clubs, like Aero Clubs.
But Funding Organisations get many more applications than they can grant... and the funds usually go to those who
can show that they are informed managers who can make a good case supported by documentation
to show the current level of activity, and credible estimates of
future levels.
Aimm's reports provide the facts, figures, and graphs that show what is happening now and the changes over
time. Some substantial Grants have been obtained by Aimm Client Airports with the supporting documentation
that the Aimm system has provided. We do love to hear the words, "We got the grant, many thanks for your help..."
Airports are often required by legislation to have a 'Master Plan'. This necessarily requires evidence of the actual level of activity now, and how it is changing over time. Aimm provides this in a cost-effective manner, with the cost often covered by the extra revenue collected.
Aimm monitors ALL movements and captures better than 99% of relevant Takeoffs, Landings, Touch-and-Goes at most Airports: